Joanna and Michael were married last summer at Baltimore’s Marriott Waterfront (take a look at the blog post here). When it came time to design their album, my main goal was to echo the classic, beautiful, and warm feeling that their wedding presented to me. The Marriott’s tans, whites, and oranges was a great color scheme match to the soft pink and deep blues of the wedding. These images are some of my favorites from the book!
Most of the time I try to pick up backgrounds and textures from the multitude of options Gary gives me with his photography, but occasionally I dive into my own collection of designs for some nice flourishes like the one pictured above.
I love it when Gary gives me a photo like the cake shot above! It makes it so easy (well seemingly easy) to join the power of their stunning cake with the joy and story of the wedding so easily.
And now I begin the parent books – can’t wait!
More to come soon…